Several years after the events of the Alien Wars, CONTRA: ROGUE CORPS follows a former military group living on the fringes as bounty hunters and treasure finders in Damned City. Survival requires fast reactions, powerful weapons, and the occasional organ and cybernetic augmentation. Players will complete missions in PVE campaigns, gathering resources to upgrade their guns to stay alive in the Damned City. If all else fails… bring in a friend and mow down enemies together in online and local multiplayer modes!
GIG Logistics is a courier and logistics services company headquartered in Lagos, Nigeria. Incorporated in 2012, it is a subsidiary of the GIG Group, an intelligence and technology management company based in Nigeria. The company has service centers in Nigeria, Ghana, and the United States of America.
As the leading logistics service provider in Africa, GIGL offers convenient, affordable, express delivery services
How many days does it take Gig logistics to deliver?
Goods dropped before 5 pm will be delivered the next day while those that come in after 5 pm will be delivered within 2 working days. Most goods to be delivered the next day are done before 1 pm every Monday to Friday except on public holidays.
How do I track my package from gig logistics?
You can track your shipments on www. giglogistics.comby simply entering your airway bill Number in the "TRACK YOUR SHIPMENT" bar
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