The stakes have never been higher as players take on the role of lethal Tier One operator in a heart-racing saga that will affect the global balance of power. Developed by the studio that started it all, Infinity Ward delivers an epic reimagining of the iconic Modern Warfare® series from the ground up.
The XRK M4 assault rifle and XRK 357 handgun are built to be fast, accurate, and hard-hitting, giving you versatile options adaptable to any play style. They also feature unique matte bronze finish elements that help them stand out.
The XRK M4 comes equipped with a suite of attachments that ensure accuracy and stability, while the XRK .357 and its attachments create a high-powered, quick-firing reliable backup for short-range firefights. Together, the XRK Weapons Pack forms a powerful duo that allows you to hit the combat zone running.
* Requires up to 86GB Internet Update to play Campaign Mode
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